Type of Aggie currently: Undergraduate
Classification/age at time: 16
Location of crime: Local party
Was the crime reported: No
Reasoning for decision to report or not report: "I did not report because I was so in shock of what happened. I told myself it was my fault & it wasn’t a big deal and pretend it didn’t happen. "
"When I was 16, I went to a party with my friends. Like most parties, it was crowded and didn’t have too many lights. It wasn’t my first time at something like that so I felt confident it was going to be a typical Saturday night. Half way through the night, as me and my friend were looking for each other in the crowd. Suddenly, I felt a hand go in my underwear and touch my intimate areas. I jumped in shock but before I knew it, the hand was gone. I looked around, but I couldn’t tell where it was from. It was so dark and crowded and I was scared. I told myself it was my fault for being at a party & convinced myself it wasn’t a big deal. I suppressed the emotions for years, to the point of having nightmares about the trauma. I didn’t tell anyone because I didn’t think anyone would believe me. It is a hard process to validate myself and trying to cope."
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