Type of Aggie currently: Undergraduate
Classification/age at time: Kindergartener
Location of crime: Off-campus
Was the crime reported: No
Reasoning for decision to report or not report: "I was not old enough to realize the full gravity of the situation."
"I was six year-old kindergartener when a neighbor molested me. It happened a few times. I felt extreme guilt because I though I had done something wrong. One minute I was playing with legos and the next I was coming from using the bathroom being touched as I saw my Minnie Mouse underwear lying on the ground. I felt ashamed and guilty at what I had done. I prayed to God almost every night of my life until seventh grade to forgive me of that sin. It wasn't until seventh grade that I had told my sister of what my neighbor had done to me. It still to this day affects my romantic relationships as I try to unpack childhood trauma in counseling sessions. I realize now that it is not my fault, but it still affects me."